Web Side

The smart phone has changed our relationship with the humble phone.

Most of us take our mobile phones to bed at night (guilty as charged). Leaving them on the side table without a second thought (sad some might say).

Almost half of 18-24 year olds check their phone in the middle of the night.

The smart phone has changed our relationship with the humble phone.

Now (with the not so humble smart phone) there’s a plethora of ways we can be in touch with friends, family, colleagues, business partners, customers and the world at large.

Don’t be a Google, Facebook, LinkedIn Puppet

We all build our own knowledge upon the “giants” that came before us to influence the modern world as we know it today.

There would be no Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Instagram and Snapchat (to name but a few) without them.

Society has accepted the previously mention innovations using them personally and to promote and market their work/businesses. They are well and truly standing on the shoulders of giants for their own gains.

However, it is amazing to still see a very significant proportion of self employed and small businesses not fully embracing this monumental shift to the Web, Social and more recently the Internet of Things (IoT).

Why haven’t they (you) fully embraced this shift?

What’s my current situation and why do I want to get a website?

If you understand the technical aspects of website development and are bit of a tech geek, this article isn’t for you (sorry).

This article is for people that need and want to get a website, run their own businesses, are experts in their respective fields but don’t have the time to become experts in website design and development.

For people like:

  • Kirsty the flower shop owner,
  • Steve the builder,
  • Paul the car mechanic,
  • Robert the accountant
  • and other self-employed/business owners.

Before you even start looking at the mechanics of getting a website built it is really important for you to understand why you want to be online

How Your Website Works – In Plain English

I completely understand that this can seem daunting for a lot of people, especially when building and designing websites has always been seen as something only intelligent “computer geeks” do.

Well that might be the mindset for a lot of people and yes like any other job/business it’s not easy and requires someone who knows what they’re doing to walk you through.

So that’s what I’m going to do.

I’m going to shed some light on the things you need to know before you get your website built.

Social Media: Saving Grace for Business and your Social Life?

We would be foolish to ignore the power of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for both work and leisure.

It’s clear that social media is powerful but how does that affect me and you?

Well, it affects you if you run a business, are self-employed or you are someone looking to buy or use the services these people offer.

So my question was
“how are my connections going online? and how would this impact their business?”

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